
最近我感覺到反應,思考,動作開始退化了. 感覺上他人走遠了,我好像會慢慢被拋在後頭. 我並不是要成為女強人,但我不想退化至門不出戶和只懂說是非的aunty.更何況我還未婚!也還沒有資格當輕熟女!

唯一幸運的是,我還有自覺到開始滑下坡. 試著填滿工作以外的時間,早上7點出門上班,回到家已經差不多10點左右沖個涼倒頭就睡. 看起來很忙,但我還覺得不滿足,看來根源始終歸於職業! 當初真有點後悔推掉那個機會,那或許可以讓我找回當初的熱情.

去年就有種想要拋下一切出走的感覺,但卻又害怕自己處理不來,也害怕著過後的事. 無論對人對自己,都重複了多少次,還有一大堆外來藉口來旁助,但往往在行動到一半就止步了. 離30歲還有幾年時間,一起WHV是不可能了,我一個人總可以吧. 我到底還需要甚麼樣的動力,才能夠讓我鐵下心腸來決定呢?


  1. Food for thoughts:

    We might brag and complains about our nature and past for all eternal but most of the time we abide the fact that our causes today are not solely breed from what we confronted.

    There's always people who will never march forward, giving dozen of valid reasons to justify the present cause, yet clearly they're nothing more than excuses we generate to stand up for our incapability.

    For such, we come to realise that we're still standing firm under that little cave, the comfort zone and not willing to give extra effort to seek further. Lies are frequently made to convince ourselves that we have change but knowing that little changes are insufficient.

    Miss, would you consider taking action instead of spreading flowery words to quince the thirst, or would you rather do something and make a difference?

    Your blog is wonderful but throughout years and years of entries they're basically the same story retold. My apology to have had to point this out, you may agree to disagree.

  2. Sir Anonymous,

    First of all thanks for your compliment and spent your time track on my blog for these years.

    I agree I might not a good writer because your comment is just a translation of my related entries. I think you may comment differently if you truly understand of what are actually happened/happening. Blue no Sora is my sharing station eventhough it's not to blog every single detail of my life, that's too much to spend my time. Hence, I'm not expecting anyone to understand my blog at all. Btw, just fyi about this entry is not solely for myself.

    Eventually, if the flowery words discomforted you, my apologize and advice you to skip my blog. Thank you. ;)

